
An extensive toolkit for auditing wireless networks is called Aircrack-ng. It is frequently used to evaluate the security of Wi-Fi networks and carry out other wireless security-related operations. Here are a few of Aircrack-ng's salient characteristics:

Aircrack-ng is a comprehensive suite of tools for auditing wireless networks. It is widely used for assessing the security of Wi-Fi networks and performing various tasks related to wireless security. Here are some key features of Aircrack-ng:

  • Aircrack-ng allows users to capture and analyze Wi-Fi traffic, including data packets and management frames. This capability is essential for understanding network activity and identifying vulnerabilities.
  • Aircrack-ng supports the cracking of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA/WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) encryption protocols. It can recover keys by analyzing captured data and performing cryptographic attacks.
  • Aircrack-ng facilitates packet injection, enabling users to send specially crafted packets to a Wi-Fi network. This capability is useful for testing the resilience of wireless networks against various attacks.
  • The suite includes tools for deauthentication attacks, which can be used to disconnect devices from a Wi-Fi network. This is valuable for testing the network's ability to handle and recover from such attacks.
  • Aircrack-ng can crack WPA/WPA2 passwords by analyzing captured handshakes. This method is effective in recovering network passwords when sufficient data is available.
  • Aircrack-ng supports offline password cracking by utilizing precomputed hash tables (rainbow tables). This approach accelerates the password recovery process.


Use the following command to install Aircrack-ng from the official Kali Linux repositories:



Use Airodump-ng to capture Wi-Fi packets. Specify the wireless interface and a target channel:


Use Aircrack-ng to crack the WPA/WPA2 password by providing the captured handshake file and a wordlist:



Table of Contents: