
The GetDomainController Python programme aims to quickly locate Windows domain controllers and Exchange servers within a given domain by leveraging DNS. It offers versatility in output formats and can be helpful in a variety of situations to learn more about domain controllers and Exchange servers.

The GetDomainController Python utility is developed to make use of DNS for quickly locating Windows domain controllers and Exchange servers within a designated domain. This tool offers flexibility in terms of output formats and can be valuable in various scenarios for acquiring information about domain controllers and Exchange servers.


To install the utility, follow these steps:


How to Use

The utility offers several command-line options forcustomization. Some key features include:

  • -d,     --domain: Indicate the domain (hostname) you are looking for controllers for.
  • -n,     --nameserver: Nameserver (hostname or IP address) definition is optional.
  • -f,     --format: Provide parameters such as 'json' (default), 'host', 'ip', 'hostip', and 'zerologon' to define the output format type.
  • -v,     --verbose: Toggle the stdout debug messages.
  • -e,     --exchange: Moreover, obtain details on Exchange hosts.

Usage examples

Basic usage to discover domain controllers:


Output in JSON format for domain controllers:


Output in JSON format for multiple domains:


Output in JSON format for Exchange servers:


Output in different formats, such as 'host', 'ip', 'hostip',and 'zerologon':


For detailed information about the available options, youcan use:

Table of Contents: