
PassCore is a simple one-page online application written in C# that makes use of Microsoft Directory Services, Material UI (React Components), and ASP.NET Core. Assuming the user is not deactivated, it allows users to independently update their Active Directory/LDAP password. PassCore requires very little setup because it gets the principal context from the current domain automatically.

Built in C#, PassCore is a straightforward one-page web application. It makes use of Microsoft Directory Services, Material UI (React Components), and ASP.NET Core. As long as the user is not deactivated, PassCore is made to enable users to independently update their Active Directory/LDAP passwords. It is an easy-to-use solution for password management in Active Directory systems, requiring little configuration and obtaining the principal context automatically from the current domain.


  • Easily     localizable, allowing customization of all UI strings.
  • Supports     reCAPTCHA for enhanced security.
  • Includes     a built-in password meter.
  • Provides     a password generator.
  • Incorporates     a server-side password entropy meter.
  • Responsive     design for mobiles, tablets, and desktops.
  • Works     with both Windows and Linux servers.


1.       Download the latest binary release of PassCore.

2.      Extract the contents to the directory where youwill serve the website from.

3.      If you download the source code, run thefollowing command via Command Prompt:


4.      Replace <path> with the directory whereyou will serve the website.

5.      Install the .NET Core 5.0.1 Windows ServerHosting bundle.

Installation on IIS:

·        Ensure the server running IIS is domain-joined.

·        Extract PassCore contents to the servingdirectory.

·        Install .NET Core 5.0.1 Windows Server Hostingbundle.

·        Configure IIS, create an application pool, setadvanced settings, and add a website.

·        Set up SSL for secure communication.

PowerShell Installer:

Use PowerShell to download and set up PassCore:



Build the Docker image:


Run the Docker container, providing necessary environment attributes.

Additional Information:

  • PassCore     features a responsive design suitable for mobiles, tablets, and desktops.
  • It     supports reCAPTCHA, password meter, password generator, and server-side     password entropy meter.
  • LDAP     Provider: PassCore initially uses Microsoft Active Directory Services but     includes a Novell LDAP Client-based provider for Linux and macOS.
  • Pwned     Password Support: Utilizes Pwned Password API to check against previously     exposed passwords.
  • Customization:     Easily customizable with various configuration options in the appsettings.json     file.
  • Troubleshooting:     Guidelines for resolving common issues such as HTTP errors and LDAP     support.
Table of Contents: