
Prowler is an open-source security tool made for doing assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, hardening, and forensics ready for AWS, GCP, and Azure security best practises.It has a large number of controls that cover many compliance frameworks, including ENS (Spanish National Security Scheme), CIS, NIST 800, NIST CSF, CISA, RBI, FedRAMP, PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, FFIEC, SOC2, GXP, and AWS Well-Architected Framework Security Pillar.

Prowler is an open-source security tool specifically designed for carrying out assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, hardening, and forensics readiness in AWS, GCP, and Azure environments. It encompasses a wide array of security controls, covering numerous compliance frameworks, such as CIS, NIST 800, NIST CSF, CISA, RBI, FedRAMP, PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, FFIEC, SOC2, GXP, AWS Well-Architected Framework Security Pillar, AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR), ENS (Spanish National Security Scheme), as well as custom security frameworks.

Provider Information

  • AWS:
  • Checks:      290
  • Services:      56
  • Compliance      Frameworks: 25
  • Categories:      5
  • GCP:
  • Checks:      73
  • Services:      11
  • Compliance      Frameworks: 1
  • Categories:      2
  • Azure:
  • Checks:      23
  • Services:      4
  • Compliance      Frameworks: CIS (coming soon)
  • Categories:      1



Basic Usage

Run Prowler by specifying the provider (e.g., aws or azure):


By default, Prowler uses environment variable credentials.Use -p/--profile and/or -f/--filter-region to specify a custom AWS profile andfilter regions:


For Azure, specify the authentication method:


By default, Prowler scans all Azure subscriptions.

For GCP, optionally provide the location of an applicationcredential JSON file:


By default, Prowler scans all accessible GCP Projects; usethe --project-ids flag to specify projects.

Scan result

Table of Contents: