
For information collection and online reconnaissance, Recon-ng is a strong and adaptable open-source reconnaissance framework. It has a modular framework that makes it possible for penetration testers and security experts to carry out exhaustive investigations.

Recon-ng is a powerful and versatile open-source reconnaissance framework designed for information gathering and web reconnaissance. It provides a modular structure that allows security professionals and penetration testers to conduct thorough investigations.


  • Recon-ng follows a modular architecture, allowing users to extend its functionality by adding new modules. Modules cover a wide range of tasks, from passive information gathering to active exploitation.
  • The framework supports automated scanning and information retrieval from various sources, including online search engines, social media platforms, and public databases. This automation streamlines the reconnaissance process and enhances efficiency.
  • Recon-ng facilitates the generation of comprehensive reports, making it easier for users to document their findings. These reports can be crucial for sharing information with team members or clients.
  • Recon-ng can be seamlessly integrated with other penetration testing tools and frameworks, enhancing its capabilities and providing a more holistic approach to security assessments.
  • The framework offers a user-friendly web interface that simplifies the navigation and execution of tasks. This makes it accessible to both experienced security professionals and those new to reconnaissance.
  • Recon-ng supports a wide range of databases, allowing users to store and manage the data collected during the reconnaissance process effectively.


Begin by cloning the Recon-ng repository from GitHub using the following command:


Move to the Recon-ng directory:


Run the setup script to install the required dependencies:



Launch Recon-ng by running the following command within the Recon-ng directory:


Use the modules load command to load the desired modules. For example:


Set the required options for the loaded module using the options set command. For instance:

options set SOURCE

Execute the module using the run command:



Table of Contents: