
Wrk is a contemporary HTTP benchmarking tool used to gauge server and web application performance. It is notable for being multithreaded and for being able to put a heavy strain on web servers in order to mimic real-world situations.

Wrk is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool that is designed for measuring the performance of web applications and servers. It stands out for its multithreaded capabilities and the ability to generate significant load on web servers to simulate real-world scenarios.


  1. Wrk leverages multithreading to generate a large number of simultaneous connections, allowing testers to simulate a high level of concurrent users accessing a web application.
  2. Users can customize HTTP requests with various parameters, including headers, request method, and payload data, providing flexibility in emulating diverse user behaviors.
  3. Wrk focuses on maintaining a constant throughput, making it an effective tool for assessing how well a web server can handle a consistent level of traffic over time.
  4. It provides detailed performance metrics, including requests per second (RPS), latency distribution, and response time percentiles, enabling in-depth analysis of web server behavior.
  5. Wrk allows users to extend its functionality using Lua scripts, facilitating the creation of complex test scenarios and customizing request patterns.
  6. It supports HTTPS, allowing testers to benchmark the performance of web servers that use secure communication protocols.


Installing Wrk on Kali Linux involves compiling the tool from the source code. Open a terminal and follow these steps:


Once the compilation is complete, you can find the wrk executable in the current directory, and you may want to move it to a directory in your system's PATH.


HTTP Benchmarking:


HTTPS Benchmarking:


Customizing Requests:

Table of Contents: